
Showing posts from September, 2020

Book Review – The Evening And The Morning, Ken Follett, 2020

There are some books that are eagerly awaited for since they are officially announced, for me Ken Follett’s latest work The Evening And The Morning is one of such book - mainly because I love the Kingsbridge series and was excited to read the prequel to The Pillars Of The Earth . The Good The book is an intense read and has the typical Ken Follett brand characters, in whose stories you are invested emotionally right from the start. The main protagonists are larger than life and always on the side of the good and to match them, are villains who are powerful and always seem to win. If you are familiar with Ken Follett’s work, you will recognise the pattern of the long suffering and righteous heros and heroines, overcoming intensely hateful and hideous villains and everyone’s story ending with the villains being destroyed, sometimes because of Karma and not because the heros or heroines finally got a chance to vindicate themselves. (One villain dies naturally but in pain.) The sto...