
'The Dark Continent" they call it. Why is it called so? Ever wondered why? Is it because its natives are black skinned?

I don't think so. From my point of view it is 'Dark' because its highly backward. No amount of international aid can over come the rate of starvation deaths, infant mortality rate, and also the number of people infected with HIV and AIDS.

Why is Africa, (the richest continent in the ancient days, read about the Pharoahs of Egypt or the Empire of Ethiopia) in such a state today? Do we blame it on the whites who rule them even today for destroying their culture and hereitge and rendering them helpless with an identity crisis?

Why are the blacks so violent? Is it because of their violent past? Is it because of the violent legacy left behind by the Europeans? Or is it just because they like being tough?

Can anyone answer my questions?

Africa has been on my mind since childhood and i need answers.

If anyone of u who visit my blog have any answers for me please do post your views and do me a favor.

Thanks for visiting.


Unknown said…
i do agree to ur reasonable plea to fight against this Inhumane problem!

but what can we ourselves do .....until n unless v get better aid n support from our government to help SAVE THESE POOR LIVES?
Unknown said…
well africa is getting large amount of international aid..problem is that ruler of the nation r very corrupt ...they r using these aid to raise their army...most part of africa has dictator rule, they r very self centered..using their power for wrong reason,as POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTLY....that nation needs a absolte change
Sneha said…
Well, too many issues here. Even the NGOs that work there, aren't able to access places in desperate need of help, because of the violence. I wonder sometimes, what must we address first, hunger.......or hate and intolerance.
Unknown said…
Africans from the 100 yrs or so they have been looked as slaves , which made them feel like De-graded humans ,etc..but when evr they have power they often mis utilize them than to effect them in there own good, but they need to understand them self thats there own country, there people ,but very leaders like martin Luther king, Mandela.often west has exploited them.some how we need to stop this -sandeep massey, hyderabad, india.
sonia said…
Africa, it has always fascinated me.. I would like to go there at least once in my life.. Lets not even talk about the inhumanity .. countless to mention
Unknown said…
it is one of the bnackward places n inhumanity happens which can put ur soul thinking.. but it is very nice places one of the world.
Unknown said…
Very thoughful.
Unknown said…
Africa is fascinating this makes it more so and gives a good insight to what must be and can be done.
Unknown said…
Are you planning to open an ashram??
Unknown said…
Africa hmmm one can do nothing except creating awareness.
Unknown said…
If we had the means we could do more than spreading awareness.
Unknown said…
wel coz in t past they had thier turn...n now its our turn
Unknown said…
very very GOOD...........
sam said…
awesome its really good
Bobby said…
The article shows ur interest but I don't think u can a gr8 answers for ur questions...
Unknown said…
well thats good on your part to atleast think of them from here ,but term we use to address them (blacks or darkskin)is an abuse to them.
I agree with jason, the entire system is corrupt, in that case what can we do????

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