My Patronus Charm

Remember when Harry Potter had to produce the Patronus charm for the first time in his class and and Prof. Lupin asks him to fight the dementor by summoning his happiest memories? Well, more than a month ago, I had to fight off some stupid thoughts and replace them with happier ones and so I went a-digging into my memory.

I was surprised at all that was stored in my brain and realised my memory not only needs some cleaning but also needs to delete some useless files as they were taking up too much space. But as easy it is to press ‘Delete’ on our computers; it is as difficult to achieve this in real time life. Since ‘deleting’ stuff from my memory completely due to the absence of a recycle bin seemed difficult I debated with myself on how to be happy actually.

I tried to make a list of the most happiest people on earth such as the athlete who just won an Olympic gold, the actor who just won an Oscar, the politician who just won an election, the student who just stood first, the employee who just got a promotion or a hike; my mind came up with more possibilities but stopped at the bride who is walking towards the altar to get married.

Why? Here are my reasons –

She is wearing her most beautiful dress ever.
She is looking her most glamourous self.
She is walking towards someone she chose and decided to make happy.
She is walking towards a future she can’t predict with a joyous smile on her face.
She has her father by her giving her the much needed emotional support and telling her that he will always be there for her no matter what.
She has the glow of life around her.


Everyone’s eyes are on her appreciating her beauty and her grace as she says ‘I do’.
Now you must be thinking ‘Yeah yeah all this sounds really nice but how did this help me beat the blues?’ I’ll tell you how.

When I’m sad or low –

My face is the mirror of my mind and hence my most beautiful memory will become my most beautiful dress and make me feel beautiful.
I chose to wake up and walk through the day not know what is in store for me yet I walk through the day with a smile believe that the best is yet to come.
I have my Father in Heaven who assures me in His own sweet ways that He is watching over me and is there for me no matter what and that life is a beautiful gift.


My happy thoughts fought for me, helped me face my challenges with a smile. This is ‘Art of War’ for me, partially.

There is nothing like shielding yourself from and beating the blues with a happy memory. My Patronus charm is intangible, invisible and has no shape and is unknown but works for me 90 times out of 100, not a bad score I believe :)


sonia said…
Very well written :)
Dixie said…
You are an amazing woman! God Bless you!
Smriti Paul said…
Thank you ladies! You both have inspired me so much. I really value what you have written here. You're both amazing!

PS: Now I know my blog is actually read :)
Vaasavi said…
Good, written n dealt with well.

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