Reply To A Facebook Friend's Post On The Delhi Gang Rape Case

Facebook Friend's Post:

"Sick of the petition posts.. Please stop posting it to me would have helped if it really made a difference nthn in india will eva change esp the law system argh !!"

My Reply:

 "Maybe it never made a difference, maybe it still wont but its still worth a try. Every little effort is worth it when you have little sisters, a wonderful mother, fabulous aunts and cousins and very beautiful friends. Even signing a petition, whether it reaches the ministers we elect or not shows and forecasts something. It shows people are angry.Yes we've always been angry about this. We've always tried to do something about it. We get told to stay indoors and dress ''appropriately'' and that too makes us angry as it rightly should. But what else can you do?"

"Those of us who can write articles, write throwing all our anger, frustration, disgust and sadness into it. Those of us who can post petitions on other peoples FB walls, do that. Those of us who can send emails do that. Those of us who have patience to send physical letters to the President do that. Those of us who can walk, march, protest, make placards, scream and shout slogans at the risk of being tear gased or lathi charged do that. Every person can do just what they're doing. I'm posting petitions because that is just what I can do at the moment. I can't go on a protest march, I do not have the patience to write letters to the authorites. I do not have a reach where people will go through my emails or blog posts. I'm sending out petitions because that is the only thing I can do right now keeping in mind my anger, the safety of my mother, sisters, aunts, cousins and friends and also keeping in mind that it may all amount to nothing."

"For me its still a worthy shot. I, at least am not complaining that nothing is being done at the moment. A lot is being done with no gaurantee that things will change. I'm not in India inspite of being away I know that things may never change but I'm not going to complain that nothing is being done and when something is being done, its spamming my space. Period."


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