Another Feminist Article

Yes this is another feminist article from a woman who feels the world is an unfair place and women have to survive through a great many hardships. From the colour of our lipstick to our menstrual cycles, women have to face unfair questions so many times a day that it has become cumbersome to count. 

At this juncture, after so many millions of years, you must think we are used to it. I have to tell you world that we are not and I don’t believe we are ever going to get used to it. Each day brings with it several revelations on how this world has treated us and continues to treat us unkindly.

While there is this gut and heart wrenching story of a child being whipped by a village after being raped by her father there is also this inspiring story of Shreya Ukil, who won a sex discrimination case against Wipro.

We have gone to the Moon and back and yet when a used condom is found in a residential building in Hyderabad, a group of women renting an apartment is blamed and no one even bats an eyelid at the single men in the complex.

Women having breasts is a problem, women climbing the ladder of success is a problem, women wearing purple lipstick is a problem and for many women, being a woman is a problem. We are well aware of the fact that the world hates us but we are too kind, generous and forgiving to hate the world back.  

I am tired of asking the world why. I am tired of trying to find out where all this began but I am not yet tired of being a woman. I will continue to ask questions, I will continue to make the world uncomfortable with my presence and I will continue to write feminists posts. Only women can pull other women up from the abyss of ignorance, abuse and misery. I will continue to fight my own fights and the battles of other women. I cannot change the world, I can only try and with God as my witness I will not stop. 


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