Hope Nestlings

Well here is an update on HOPE, the location had shifted a few months ago from the noisy dins of the city to the serene calm of a village. The kids simply love it because now there are no angry khadoos neigbours to ask them to shut up. The children now have their own play ground, kitchen garden and at times even cook outdoors for fun. Just ideal for growing up children.

There are four new additions to the brood and guess what they're just four days old and haven't opened their eyes yet. The childrens pet - street dog "Gypsy" who hates taking baths and loves the children laid a litter of four puppies and I was one of those few lucky people whom she allowed near her babies (all thanks to the kids) They're just so tiny! The kids are happy that they have new playmates and I'm happy for them too.

Meet the three stars who love posing for the camera. In the picture above you can see Srikanth, Grita and little Anita from the left hand side. They seem to love the camera more than the puppies. Then there is Jemima she loves dancing and expects me to take perfect shots of her movements. Psst... thats difficult as she moves too fast so everytime I take her picture I need to shout out "statue Jemima!"

The children are all set to celebrate Christmas and are very excited about it. Its celebration time for the kids!

Merry Christmas to all!!


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