Itching Fingers

Long long time ago in an age far far away...... nope I'm not reciting a fairy tale. 

Ahem... Long long time ago in an age far far away (perhaps not so long ago) I used to write poetry which made sense to no one except me. I remember I was in 7th standard, 11 yrs of age. I wrote a small four line poem and showed it to my English teacher. It went something like this "Oh heavenly bodies...." Yep about stars in a sky like any 11 year old would imagine. Coming back to the teacher she didn't believe a single word of what I had wriiten and instead complained to my dear mother that I had copied it from some one. It couldn't have come from my pen she said (I was supposed to be dumbest in the class). Now that was a blow so back then I gave up with my first poem itself.

My fingers began to itch once again two years later and this time I didn't show the poems to anyone, kept them secret under lock and key but unfortunately my younger sister found the key and looo.... all hell was let lose out of pandora's box! Next time I promised myself I'd be careful.

Had another writing fit several years later I guess I was 19 then. Wrote a lot and this time showed it to a few weird friends of mine and guess what they loved the weird stuff I wrote!! Some relief there. I guess Mother Nature didn't appreciate my talents much so she sent a flood so bad that water entered in to my room and all my poems which were hiding in a shoe box under my bed got washed away. There went all my work :(

Never wrote after that but since the past few weeks I've been reading stuff written by some people like me at Church. Very impressive. 

My hands have begun itching again!! May God save my work this time.


Archana Narayan said…
Please write Smriti! I have absolutely no talent for poetry and neither the brain to appreciate them. But my sister used to write really nice poems. Like you, people (whose opinion mattered) discouraged her from writing because she mostly wrote on 'love'. People thought she was too young to spend time thinking about love. I was reminded of her when I read your post. Please do pick up that pen and write. Also, store it some place safer this time. :)
Smriti Paul said…
Yeah I'm definitely going to be a million times careful this time around. Thanks for your encouragement Archie. It means a lot to me. Thanks! :-)

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